The 7 Year Labour of Love
South Sea Pearl production is a labour of love. From farming, grading, valuation to jewellery production, take a look at AUTORE's 7-year journey of the South Sea pearl.

A safe haven for our pearl shell
The South Sea pearl begins its journey at the AUTORE's pearl farms in the crystal-clear waters off Australia & Indonesia. For the first 2-3 years the Pinctada maxima, the largest and rarest of all pearl-producing oysters, is nurtured to adulthood.

Nurture into being
Once the host oyster has reached maturity, it is ready to start the process of nurturing a pearl. This process takes another 2 years. The South Sea pearl can only grow in pristine conditions, in the world’s most nutrient rich waters.

Grading in Sydney
Following harvest, the pearls are transported to AUTORE's Sydney headquarters to be graded and sorted. Over the process of 1 year, each pearl is weighed, measured and assessed according to the AUTORE Five S’s – Shine, Surface, Shade, Shape and Size™.

The Design
Over the course of a year, one by one, the pearls pass through expert hands and are transformed into beautiful AUTORE Jewellery pieces. The pearls are complimented with only the highest quality materials including precious and semi-precious stones, each carefully selected to compliment the South Sea pearl.

A masterpiece
After 7 years, The pearl is set in the final piece of jewellery. AUTORE sustainably sources all South Sea Pearls from The AUTORE Group pearl farms, allowing full control over the supply chain, and the opportunity for first selection of pearls from the harvest.